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The Children’s Rights Firm with a Heart – and a Dog: Talenfeld Law

While Howard Talenfeld and the attorneys at Talenfeld Law can’t exactly sic Casey on perpetrators accused of child abuse, sexual abuse or other physical harm against children, we do have the resources to bring predators to justice.

Howard with dog (1)For more than a generation, our attorneys have fought for the rights of those unable to protect themselves: at-risk foster children and other vulnerable children in the child welfare system. With our experience and legacy of protecting those who cannot protect themselves, we’ve helped bring justice to children abused by adults they trusted. We’ve held institutions and organizations accountable for their own misdeeds and secured damage awards that help ensure child lead more normal lives with any physical, medical or psychological care they made need in the future.

While we cannot sic Casey on the perpetrators, we can hold them accountable for their actions. As the sign says, we’re “Fighting for abused, disable and injured kids.” And if our clients visit when Casey is around, the two might even make a new friend.

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