Firm founder and Managing Partner Howard Talenfeld was recently profiled in the Daily Business Review. You can read more about his journey to becoming one of the nation’s preeminent children’s rights attorneys here. Click here to read Howard’s profile in the Daily Business Review.
Results & verdicts
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How important are foster families to Florida’s kids? Statewide, more than 6,000 children have found homes and adoption through Florida’s foster families. That’s an important figure. But their stories tell a more rich tale. Statewide, foster children, and others face unknown futures and possible harm on the streets or in... View Article
Florida Child Advocacy Law Firm Talenfeld Law a $10,000 Sponsor of Public Good Benefitting Legal Aid Programs in Broward County
Talenfeld Law, the premier law firm exclusively representing at-risk children and developmentally disabled adults in Fort Lauderdale, Miami, West Palm Beach and throughout Florida, will be a major sponsor for the Legal Aid Service of Broward County (LAS) and Coast to Coast Legal Aid of South Florida (CCLA) annual fundraising... View Article
Chances to Save At-Risk Miami Child Lost to Department of Children And Families: Child Abuse Attorney
In what has become a troubling and recurring event to Fort Lauderdale child abuse attorneys and others who fight for at-risk children statewide, Florida child welfare authorities appeared to have multiple opportunities to intervene and protect the life of a Florida child at risk of child abuse and little girl.... View Article
Florida Foster Child Abuse Attorney Named to ‘Super Lawyers’ List
Howard M. Talenfeld, the preeminent Florida foster child abuse lawyer and children’s rights attorney, has been included in the 2016 Florida Super Lawyers list. Talenfeld was selected to the 2016 Civil Rights Super Lawyers category. Talenfeld has been listed in Florida Super Lawyers Magazine since 2006 and was named in the “Top 100:... View Article
Please join us for The Dylan Schopp Sunshine Foundation’s Sunshine at the Park
Talenfeld Law is a proud sponsor of The Dylan Schopp Sunshine Foundation’s Sunshine at the Park event. Join us March 5th to raise awareness for suicide prevention. Get your tickets today: #SpreadtheSunshine
A Sad Refrain: Broward’s Privatized Child Abuse System Does Not Protect Abused Children
It’s becoming an all too common refrain in Florida. Gabriel Myers, Tamiya Audain, Antwone Hope and Now Ahzia Osceola slipped through the cracks of Broward’s Child welfare system and died. A child dies or suffers serious child abuse, sexual abuse or neglect at the hands of his parents, guardians or... View Article
Gloria Fletcher – One of Florida’s Greatest Child Advocates and Foster Child Attorneys
As an attorney, Gloria W. Fletcher was the staunchest advocate for her clients. As a champion for the children, she was one of Florida’s great child advocates. Though a formidable, tenacious criminal defense attorney for her clients, including many law enforcement personnel, Gloria arguably had her greatest impact on the... View Article
Talenfeld Law Partner Stacie Schmerling Receives Tracey McPharlin Pro Bono Counsel of the Year Award
Stacie Schmerling, a long-time child advocate and partner at Talenfeld Law, the state’s first law firm dedicated exclusively to fighting for abused, disabled and injured kids, received the Tracey McPharlin Pro Bono Counsel of the Year Award at the Florida’s Children First 2015 Broward Reception. Stacie Schmerling was appointed through the Tracy... View Article
Children’s Rights Lawyer / Veteran Child Welfare Worker Stacie J. Schmerling Named Partner at Talenfeld Law, Nation’s Leading Children’s Rights Law Firm
Stacie J. Schmerling, a children’s rights lawyer and former veteran child welfare investigator and case worker, has been named partner with Talenfeld Law, Florida’s only law firm dedicated exclusively to protecting abused, disabled and injured kids. Stacie has worked with preeminent children’s rights lawyer Howard Talenfeld for six years... View Article